Sunday, April 28, 2013

Project 52- Week 18

This weekend I had the pleasure of going along with my boys to celebrate my beautiful Grandmothers 90th birthday.  It is a day that I wasn't sure would come because she has been in declining health.  It was a lovely party with tons of friends and family and a room full of people who have somehow been affected and loved by my Nanny. 
Nanny has been such a huge part of my life since I was a baby.  Some of my favorite memories were our Tuesday/Thursday lunches when I was in college.  We would drink Diet Coke, eat a yummy lunch (cooked by Nan) and watch The young and the restless and General Hospital.  We would just spend a few hours together, talking, laughing and making some great memories. 
Now that I live in North Richland Hills, I don't see Nanny near enough.  I am so thankful that my boys have had a chance to get to know her and they love her as much as I do. 
Nanny has had a wonderful 90 years of life.  3 children, countless grandchildren, a sister who lives in the nursing home with her and helps take care of her.  She is one blessed lady. 
Nanny, the boys and I love you dearly.  I thank you for the impact you have made on my life and I am a better Mother because of you. 
Boys, this lady is a special treasure.  You are so lucky that she is your Great Grandmother.

Till next week.....

Project 52- Week 17

My little Brody is such a loving little guy.  He loves to snuggle, he loves to hug and he really loves his mama.  He is also sometimes a little dramatic and he needs a little more love and attention.  So, days when he is in a smiling mood are days that I treasure.  This picture is one that makes me so happy.  When he smiles, he smiles with is whole face.....
This day Brody was helping me test the light for a photo shoot I was doing in the studio.  He was in such a great mood and I can't believe I captured the best smile.
I want my boys to know that their smiles not only brighten my day, they brighten the days of others. I know you will have bad days when you won't feel like smiling but try anyways.  Your smile is contagious. 
Love you boys....
Till next week....

Project 52- Week 16

My sweet boys love to be silly.  They love to dress up, play games, play tricks and they love to make us laugh.  This day in particular they thought it would be funny to wear only their cowboy boots and their underwear.  They were dancing around singing songs and doing whatever they could to make us laugh.....and they succeeded. 
I mean...come on....who can resist these tiny tushies....

Boys, you bring so much joy and happiness to our house.  Your silliness is something we truly love about you. 
Till next week....

Friday, April 12, 2013

Project 52- Week 15

Spring is finally here.  Don't get me wrong, I love the winter but there is something about beautiful 70 degree days  and planting a garden that really makes me happy.  Our garden planting this year was a little more challenging because we had an extra little helper that is into everything!  It will be a miracle if our plants survive being pulled up by Bryson.  Dustin was outside preparing the soil for planting and his little helper decided to help mix everything.  The other two could care less, they were more interested in the water hose. 
I also started thinking about how a garden really is like things in our life.  There is the saying that "Luck is opportunity met with preparation." In our garden, we are working hard to get everything set so that it has the best chances for a fruitful summer.  I want my boys to know that all things do not come easily in life.  If there is something you want to do you have to work hard and be sure to be prepared for an opportunity to come your way. 
Boys, whatever you decide to do with you life...whether big or small don't just wait for it to come your way.  Study hard, prepare hard and I know you will be successful!
Till next week......

Project 52- Week 14

I love bath time.  It is a time when we are all together, playing...there is just something about it.  Since we have 3 boys it takes both of us to control the craziness of flying bubbles and the huge splashes. 
This day the boys were helping us outside getting our garden ready for the summer.  The amount of dirt in ears and between toes was astonishing to me.  This week is......

I will miss the days when I don't get to do this with my boys.  I know they have to grow and one day they will be so big they can do this themselves.  But, until then I will be happy to leave bath time with bubbles in my hair, a wet shirt and a huge smile.
Till next week.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Sterling

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to Sterling...Happy Birthday to you!!!
This is the third time I have had the pleasure of photographing this little one.  I cannot believe it is her first birthday.  We had such a great day together.  She is such a spunky little girl with such a sweet personality and I loved our day together.

She was so excited about this cake.....This is the face she made right after her first bite....

After  a quick bath to get all of the icing off of her we decided to go outside for a few shots.  I am SO glad that we did because these are my favorite from our session.  Look at the personality and look at those blue eyes!!!!!

My favorite from our session........
Happy Birthday Sterling!  Hope your first birthday was wonderful!

Baby Kate

One of my favorite sessions to date....
Baby Kate!
I had the most wonderful day with Baby Kate and her momma Jodi.  They were originally booked with my super talented photographer friend Aleah at Leah Nicolle Photography.  Due to family illness Jodi was sent my way.  Baby Kate was such a sweet baby.  She slept like a little princess and let me do all kinds of different things with her.  Here are a few images from our day together. 

I love these photographs with Mom and baby.  So sweet. 

My favorite from our day together is this one.  It's a simple picture but she just looks like a little angel.
I can't wait to photograph you again Baby Kate!  

Baby Camden

This precious little boy with his beautiful hair will be a heartbreaker one day.
I feel so privileged that I got to spend a few hours snuggling with this sweet little man.  He was such a great sleeper and was perfectly squishy!  Big Sister Brooklyn was such a sweet little girl and she did such a fantastic job.....and she has some of the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. 
Look at these lips......

This is such a beautiful family! 
My favorite shot from this session was this one.....His pose was just what I had in my mind and he did it flawlessly.  Great job little man!

I loved spending time with your family.  I can't wait to see you again soon!

Project 52- Week 13

This picture was taken around 5 pm in the afternoon and yes, all of my boys still had on their pj's.  Why create extra laundry when it isn't necessary.  Anyways, back to this weeks picture. 
We love being creative in our house.  Art is one of the things I love doing most with my boys.  I am a creative person and I love being creative with them.  We were outside drawing pictures on everything with sidewalk chalk and I just happened to catch Brody drawing on his brother.  I noticed Bryson had chalk on his face earlier but Brody denied it.....then I caught him in the act.  He told me he was making him "Boo-full." 

It is also pretty funny if you look at Brayden's face.  Obviously there was some encouragement from his big brother here.  Bryson, you are such a good sport. 

Till next week!