Friday, December 4, 2015

Baby Cash ~ Photography for Newborns in DFW

Baby Cash was so sweet!  I loved every minute of snuggling with this cutie!!!


Baby Maddox ~ Fort Worth Newborn Photography

Such a sweet little guy!  Here are a few of my favorites from Baby Maddox!


Baby Truett ~ Newborn Photography in Keller, Texas

I have a special place in my heart for little boys.  Having three little boys myself I seriously love photographing boys and especially Brothers.  

This little guy, Truett came to see me and he was an absolute doll.  I just love these pictures him with his big brother and his parents.  He is really a loved little guy.

Here are a few of my favorites from his session.  

Truett is the only one in his family who was born in Texas.  So, we thought a "Texas Themed" shot would be so fun.  How cute is this???

It was so fun friends.  Congratulations on Baby Truett!!!

Baby Abbie ~ Newborn Photography in DFW

Baby Abbie  was such an adorable little girl.  I loved this simple girly session.  


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Baby Elyse ~ Photographer in North Richland Hills, Texas

I absolutely love baby girls in purple.  This was one of my favorite sessions.  Baby Elyse slept so great and was so easy to pose. At the end of the session Elyse had her eyes wide open and we got some great awake shots. Enjoy!

Baby Millicent ~ Photography for Newborns in Fort Worth Texas

I had the pleasure of photographing Baby Millicent when she was only a week old.  She was so sweet and snugly and posed like a champ.  Millicent's mom Denise and her Aunt Brandi are friends of mine from high school.  It is so fun getting to see old friends and meet their new babies!  We went with a soft girly color palette.  I think it turned out beautiful.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Baby Wesley ~ Newborn Photographer in Dallas Texas

This session was an extra special one to me.  My husband and I grew up with Mike, Wesley's daddy.  My husband has known Mike since he was in Kindergarten.  Their entire family is extremely special to us so when they were expecting their first child I was so excited to photograph him.  

I traveled to Mike and Shelby's new home in East Texas and set up in their adorable nursery.  Wesley was such a sweetheart and I LOVED snuggling this cute little face.

I love when I catch some with their eyes open (and the baby isn't mad :)

It was truly a pleasure.  I am so thankful to have the opportunity each time to love on these new babies.  Don't I have the BEST JOB EVER!!! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Baby Abigail ~ Keller Texas Newborn Photography

Big Sister Eli was the first baby I did in my home studio.  I was so very excited when I heard they were expecting baby Abigail.  This is seriously one gorgeous family and I am so lucky to have been able to photograph them twice now!  

Baby Abigail was a dream baby!  She slept so well and was so great with the posing!  

Here is some more of this gorgeous girl!

Congratulations on this gorgeous girl!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2014 in Review

I am beyond blessed by 2014 and what I have accomplished in my business in such a short amount of time.  

Here are all of my 2014 babies....

One of my main goals for 2014 was to take a workshop.  I had learned all that I could on my own so I needed to learn from someone more experienced than me.  I was delighted to spend one weekend with the fabulous Shannon Morton and learned so much from her.

Also this year, I had the privilege of snuggling with 45 newborns!  Yes, 45!!!!  I made the decision at the beginning of this year to really focus on the newborns.  Let me be honest....I was a little scared that I would not have enough business to keep me going.  I had to turn away some loyal clients who needed family sessions and send them to other talented photographers.  But, I knew that this was what made my heart happy, it is what I got excited about so I had to go for it.  

And, having the honor to photograph 45 newborns this year really showed me that maybe I am on the right path.  

In 2015, I am planning on still doing newborn, 6mo and 1 year sessions but I will begin offering more products such as canvases, albums and prints.  

I am excited about the new year and I can't wait to see where God will take Amanda Dorris Photography!!!!