Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2014 in Review

I am beyond blessed by 2014 and what I have accomplished in my business in such a short amount of time.  

Here are all of my 2014 babies....

One of my main goals for 2014 was to take a workshop.  I had learned all that I could on my own so I needed to learn from someone more experienced than me.  I was delighted to spend one weekend with the fabulous Shannon Morton and learned so much from her.

Also this year, I had the privilege of snuggling with 45 newborns!  Yes, 45!!!!  I made the decision at the beginning of this year to really focus on the newborns.  Let me be honest....I was a little scared that I would not have enough business to keep me going.  I had to turn away some loyal clients who needed family sessions and send them to other talented photographers.  But, I knew that this was what made my heart happy, it is what I got excited about so I had to go for it.  

And, having the honor to photograph 45 newborns this year really showed me that maybe I am on the right path.  

In 2015, I am planning on still doing newborn, 6mo and 1 year sessions but I will begin offering more products such as canvases, albums and prints.  

I am excited about the new year and I can't wait to see where God will take Amanda Dorris Photography!!!!