Thursday, November 29, 2012

The L Family

This is one of my favorite families at my new favorite location! 
I love these people! The L family are the leaders of our lifegroup at Gateway.  Brandon and Vicki have such huge hearts and they truly care about all of us.  We love "doing life" with them!  I was so thrilled to be able to take their family pictures.  They brought their best smiles, a great bench, and a football.....and I was able to capture their love and the fun that they have. 

....So True....

Such a beautiful Sunset!!! 

This was my favorite from the entire session.  The first time I looked at my images I totally missed it....mostly because it was a wide shot, crooked and had objects to the side.  Once I cropped it it.
Thanks again guys!  It was a blast. Love Ya'll!!!

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