Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The H Family!

I have had the pleasure of taking photographs of these kiddos again... but this time I get to hang with the whole family! YAY!!

These sweet kiddos have been in front of my camera more than any others.  I took Erin's 3 year pictures, the twin's newborn session (my first ever!) and their one year photo session.  I love getting to see the same families and getting to see the little ones grow up in my pictures. 

This is one beautiful little girl and one handsome little guy (I can't believe how grown up he is!)
These two are like twins.  They look so much alike!
The kiddos were not too excited about having thier picture taken so we took the time to take some of mom and dad......Love these!!!!!


Little man loving his Smarties!
My favorite from this session is....
  I love you guys!  Thanks for being such loyal clients and I can't wait to get to photograph your kiddos (or all of you) again very soon!


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