Sunday, April 28, 2013

Project 52- Week 17

My little Brody is such a loving little guy.  He loves to snuggle, he loves to hug and he really loves his mama.  He is also sometimes a little dramatic and he needs a little more love and attention.  So, days when he is in a smiling mood are days that I treasure.  This picture is one that makes me so happy.  When he smiles, he smiles with is whole face.....
This day Brody was helping me test the light for a photo shoot I was doing in the studio.  He was in such a great mood and I can't believe I captured the best smile.
I want my boys to know that their smiles not only brighten my day, they brighten the days of others. I know you will have bad days when you won't feel like smiling but try anyways.  Your smile is contagious. 
Love you boys....
Till next week....

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